We so often look at things as a nuisance or annoyance when really, they can be gifts. Change of perspective is a wonderful thing.share this quote:
When things are bleak and dark, God is already at work beneath the dormancy, preparing new seeds and growth for the right time.share this quote:
When I think about what God can do with one small seed, think what He can do with my life if I allow Him to be the gardener of my heart.share this quote:
Deciding to do something, instead of just thinking about it, is half the battle.share this quote:
What we come in contact with on a regular basis affects us, both in our spirit and in our health.share this quote:
Anything worth doing will make you forge on ahead and over problems.
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It’s not a matter if hardship will come, but when. Prepare ahead of time, you’ll be able to face these times and come out stronger for them.share this quote:
Traditions connect us to our past and future. Start living the traditions of today that will leave a future to be proud of tomorrow. share this quote:
Traditions aren’t just things we do on certain holidays, but actions engrained in our daily lives.share this quote: